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Q #4: Do you sell them?
A: No.
Q: You have a preference for ICD-10-CM draft?
A: AAPC is going to be the cheapest. Ingenix they’re fine. Ingenix is now Optum, I think, because I worked for Optum for a while and – yeah, Ingenix they were bought up by Optum.
Q: Ingenix or AAPC publications?
ICD-10-CM Draft | ICD 10 Anatomy Medical Coding – Video
A: Elsevier…If I had to pick, AAPC is great; but Elsevier to me makes the best coding manuals. Their professional edition or hospital editions are amazing. They have all kinds of extra stuff and pictures and I even like the feel of the paper, but they’re more expensive so think about that, and you have to get a new one every year. I have not seen Elsevier’s ICD-10 draft. I can’t give you any feedback on that. I have the AAPCs – like this. And this is the brand new ICD-9. I got the professional. I got the hospital edition, because I’m going to be doing ICD-10-PCS after we get done with CEM, so I need that.
Q #5: What do you suggest for someone that hasn’t even gotten their feet wet in ICD-10? I was told to start doing the Anatomy for ICD-10, what other options do I have and I heard the anatomy and terminology is very different from ICD-9?
A: Yes, it’s different. It’s not different in a bad way; it’s just much more detailed. Again, yes, you may want to bump up your knowledge. A great book to get, we teach this book, but if you want to do it on your own, you’re more than welcome. But our MTA course is based out of anatomy and terminology for ICD-10. [Ed. Note: the book that Alicia is referring to is “Medical Terminology & Anatomy for ICD-10 Coding” by Betsy J. Shiland.] It’s written by coders for coders, unlike most anatomy, physiology, and terminology books that are done for clinicians, doctors, nurses, and stuff like that. This is actually done for coders, and it’s based on ICD-10, so it gives you the knowledge and the extras that you need to know for ICD-10.
You can get the book yourself, it’s a great book, but if you want to get CEUs for it and we give 40 CEUs; then definitely, look at our course, it’s not very expensive either. I can’t tell you how much this is off the top of my head, but you can definitely go to our products page and look that. I would start there. If you’re savvy enough to do it on your own, just get the book. If you want to get the CEUs and you want to get your feet wet, I would start with that book, and its anatomy and terminology for ICD-10 – it’s what it is.
Read More Information about ICD 10 Anatomy Medical Coding
New ICD 10 CM PCS – Coding Online Course – Video
AAPC – 2014 ICD-10-CM Draft Code Book

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Q #4: Do you sell them?
A: No.
Q: You have a preference for ICD-10-CM draft?
A: AAPC is going to be the cheapest. Ingenix they’re fine. Ingenix is now Optum, I think, because I worked for Optum for a while and – yeah, Ingenix they were bought up by Optum.
Q: Ingenix or AAPC publications?
ICD-10-CM Draft | ICD 10 Anatomy Medical Coding – Video
A: Elsevier…If I had to pick, AAPC is great; but Elsevier to me makes the best coding manuals. Their professional edition or hospital editions are amazing. They have all kinds of extra stuff and pictures and I even like the feel of the paper, but they’re more expensive so think about that, and you have to get a new one every year. I have not seen Elsevier’s ICD-10 draft. I can’t give you any feedback on that. I have the AAPCs – like this. And this is the brand new ICD-9. I got the professional. I got the hospital edition, because I’m going to be doing ICD-10-PCS after we get done with CEM, so I need that.
Q #5: What do you suggest for someone that hasn’t even gotten their feet wet in ICD-10? I was told to start doing the Anatomy for ICD-10, what other options do I have and I heard the anatomy and terminology is very different from ICD-9?
A: Yes, it’s different. It’s not different in a bad way; it’s just much more detailed. Again, yes, you may want to bump up your knowledge. A great book to get, we teach this book, but if you want to do it on your own, you’re more than welcome. But our MTA course is based out of anatomy and terminology for ICD-10. [Ed. Note: the book that Alicia is referring to is “Medical Terminology & Anatomy for ICD-10 Coding” by Betsy J. Shiland.] It’s written by coders for coders, unlike most anatomy, physiology, and terminology books that are done for clinicians, doctors, nurses, and stuff like that. This is actually done for coders, and it’s based on ICD-10, so it gives you the knowledge and the extras that you need to know for ICD-10.
You can get the book yourself, it’s a great book, but if you want to get CEUs for it and we give 40 CEUs; then definitely, look at our course, it’s not very expensive either. I can’t tell you how much this is off the top of my head, but you can definitely go to our products page and look that. I would start there. If you’re savvy enough to do it on your own, just get the book. If you want to get the CEUs and you want to get your feet wet, I would start with that book, and its anatomy and terminology for ICD-10 – it’s what it is.
Read More Information about ICD 10 Anatomy Medical Coding
New ICD 10 CM PCS – Coding Online Course – Video
AAPC – 2014 ICD-10-CM Draft Code Book

The post ICD-10-CM Draft | ICD 10 Anatomy Medical Coding – Video appeared first on [CCO] Medical Coding.
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